Friday, June 16, 2006

Wow... Has it really been two months?

I guess it has. I've been super busy working and working on the house and yard and stuff. So the latest developments:

Last Sunday I was working and came home to this :

Matthew decided to take down the shed, but not quite in this way. Fortunately he wasn't in it when it came down.

Happier backyard news, we have a robin's nest in one of the huge lilacs:

It's only about 6 feet up in the lilac but the Rottweiler next door keeps the cats out of our yard so hopefully the chicks will be safe. I'm looking forward to seeing them hatch.

As far as cute boy of the week (or two month-period), I'm not feeling inspired but here he is:

Brent van Zant (he's some kind of model or something)

I'm still waiting impatiently for any of the Justin Timberlake movies to come out. Perhaps around my birthday; that'd be appropriate.

Oh yeah, for all you Bush-haters... I know I've posted this image before, but here it is again:

I created a site on cafe press (

You can get stickers and tshirts and the like there. We have ordered tshirts and stickers and they're good. Also some of the tshirts are American Appparel so made in the USA and sweatshop-free (and cute).

That's all I have for the moment. I gotta get some sleep :)

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