Saturday, August 18, 2007

Gay volleyball!

So as part of my new "healthy living initiative" (more on that later) last night I went to the open gym for gay volleyball. My friends Jeff & Zach play and I met a lot of people at their BBQ who also play so off I went. I learned a few things last night:

(1) Volleyball has changed quite a bit since I last played years and years ago. Either that no one I ever played with was very serious about it. Or both. (2) These gay boys are SERIOUS about it. I spent most of the night trying to figure out where to stand (mostly out of the way) and trying not to hurt myself too badly. (3) My body at 38 is considerably less forgiving than it was at 22.

I wasn't very good, to say the least, and I have a floor-burned elbow and two very sore knees. However, they at least pretended to want me to come back so I guess it wasn't all bad. Oh, and you get to drink margaritas afterwards.

If this sounds like fun to you, click here.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

I always forget something...

I'm still not smoking.

My friend Amy's pregnant and there are ultrasound pics on her blog. I'm unnaturally attached to her pregnancy and very excited it's going well :) There's also a recent pic of me on there -- since I'm always holding the camera and not in the photos on my blog...

Time flies when you're... well, it flies regardless

So much for blogging once a week. I'm BUSY :)
Anyway, I was having a crappy-ass day for no particular reason yet for various cumulative reasons so I went out to dinner (fish tacos!) with my friend Leslie (no photos unfortunately) and now I feel much better. I like that I can tell people various ridiculous things that go on in my life and then they laugh. Helps me laugh at life as well. I'll leave it at that. It's been a long week and a long last few months.
Yesterday was my pseudo-niece Tabi's 6th birthday party. I decided a while back I could call her my niece even though she's not blood-related, and the first time I did one my of my clients said "Oh, not your real niece". So they remain my pseudo-nieces. I should make them call me pseudo-Uncle Tim. So yeah, party photos -- this is Tabi on the right, her sister Chyanne on the left, and Jen in the middle. The candles wouldn't really light cuz it was too windy.

We spent a lot of time at the merry-go-round in the park. This is Matthew and (youngest pseudo-niece) Rhi spinning.

I have video but I don't think I can do it on here :(

More posting to come -- promise...