Monday, October 08, 2007

The haircut

So this is intended to be a bit of a poll. I've always had kind of mixed reaction when I do this to myself. So here are the pics -- let me know what you think.

I scare myself a little in this one.


Anonymous said...

Nope! Don't like it. Makes you look older. I was telling everyone recently that you don't change and still look young (based on the pic from Polish festival). So, I guess it depends on what look you're going for. :-) Still love you though

Anonymous said...

Nope, I don't like it either. You do look scary in that 2nd one. And, if it helps, I don't think Rhi-Rhi would like it, either.

Anonymous said...

I think you look HOT!

Tim said...

Hmmm Well hi to Tommy then :) And to hell with the rest of you! *grin*

Anonymous said...

I agree with Tommy ---- HOT

Tim said...

Yeah, so I'm questioning the existence of this "tommy" and "justin". especially since they're anonymous. anyone want to 'fess up?